I can tell you so much about how amazing The SMASH Health Jigsaw 8 Week Course is, and it really is, but I thought it would be nice if you could read some of the experiences of the ladies who have already been through the process.
You will see the following testimonials with first names only. This is due to the fact that I respect peoples' wishes to remain slightly annonymous. Weight loss is such a private journey, especially at the start, so I am happy to pop these up without the full personal details of each person.

“I have struggled with my weight on and off for years, but it really started piling on 5 years ago and has been steadily increasing ever since. Then 2020 happened! Within one month of lockdown I had piled on yet another stone and reached a truly frightening weight. I felt horrible, both physically and emotionally and I knew I had to do something.
For the next few months I really focused on cutting my calories and increasing my exercise, but still the weight was stubborn and although I was losing a little, it was not in proportion with my efforts …
That’s when I saw the 8 Week Course offer from SMASH Worldwide, which claimed to help educate me on where I was going wrong, the reasons why the traditional calorie deficit model is only one piece of a complicated health jigsaw…and of course it promised to help me rapidly lose fat. With nothing to lose (except the copious squidgy bits surrounding my body and organs!!), I signed up.
I was nervous about how I would cope with some of the major diet changes, but within one week I had lost 8lbs and an impressive 2% fat (whilst increasing my body water content by 1.4% for those who think it was mainly water weight!). I lost 1 stone in the first month and it’s still coming off. I have a long journey ahead, but now I know that it will come off and I am already much healthier and nourishing my body with truly nutritious, healthy foods.
I spend more time cooking now, but thankfully the delicious recipes in The SMASH Way are really straightforward. I honestly can’t believe how easy it has been to make radically healthy changes to my diet, whilst chasing after two young children and continuing to work full time. I am very excited to unravel the new, healthier, happier me!”
Clare, 39, Operations Manager
"16 years ago I made a decision to stop smoking, during the process I expected to gain weight but my weight went from 9 1/2 stone to 12 1/2 stone very quickly. I took up walking but the weight stayed on, increasing to 13 stone.
My emotions were a roller coaster, I had no energy, I went to bed at night exhausted and woke up exhausted. When I began to fall asleep in the chair having my breakfast I realised I needed help. A blood test set the alarm bells ringing as I was diagnosed with an under active thyroid. My doctor explained that I would be on medication for the rest of my life, I was advised by other health practitioners that the weight I gained would be almost impossible to loose, one gave the description that it would be “like trying to push a walnut uphill using my nose”.
11 years ago my eldest daughter was getting married and I was determined that I would loose weight. I walked 2 miles every morning before going to work, I took a 35 minute walk during my lunch break, and after work each week day. I attended the gym for a 45 minute session on the cardio machines, and I attended 3 spin classes every week! I was fit and I lost weight getting down to 12 stone 3 lbs, for the amount of effort not a massive loss.
With the exercise my body shape had improved and I felt a million dollars at the wedding but no one could sustain the workouts I was doing it was physically exhausting and of course once I reduced the exercise the weight crept back again very quickly, heartbreaking.
When my youngest daughter got married 5 years ago I tried to loose weight again but this time due to work schedules I couldn’t commit the time to the exercise, so the weight remained and the dress had to be a couple of sizes bigger.
So here I am 16 years later, I’m now in my mid 60’s so I’ve entered the post menopausal stage of life when hormonal weight is something most women of my age will suffer from. I have tried for many years to loose weight and been unsuccessful.
I’ve tried every diet you can think of, intermittent fasting, Atkins, Slimming World, Keto and I think I might be the only person to gain weight whilst following a diet.
Recently I have found success because in 4 weeks I have lost an amazing 13 lbs and I feel fantastic.
How? I’m following a healthy eating educational programme called The Smash Way 8 Week Course. The programme is lead by the most inspirational person I have had the pleasure to enter my life, Sandra Miskimmin.
Through this programme you will learn the value of nutrition, the best way to feed your body to get the best results from it.
I am now someone who has energy to get up and go!
My sleep has improved so much I am now a sound sleeper of at least 8 hours each night. I no longer watch the clock or walk the floors in the early hours of the morning because I can’t sleep, my body clock wouldn’t let me sleep past 5.30 each morning, now I’m surprised to see I’ve slept past 8 o’clock, it’s a wonderful feeling.
Our body is an amazing machine, but what is more amazing is realising just how absolutely brilliant you will feel when you feed it correctly.
Eating the right food, fuelling your body with the correct nutrients and vitamins is what has helped me. I have a way to go but I’m travelling the right way, I’m travelling The Smashway! "
Gillian, 66, Retired
The key as well is the The SMASH It 8 Week Course is not just about losing large amounts of weight, it is also about feeling absolutely FAB-U -LOUS!! Some people that do the course do not have a lot of weight to lose, but they just "feel flabby". The course helps to educate everyone on how to get the best out of their body so that they can do the things that they want to do!
This was the case with Tracey. It was more about understanding nutrition rather than trying to lose a lot of weight.
"Not only is Sandra very knowledgable about nutrition, she is also encouraging, understanding, patient and approachable. I am half way through the eight week course and would highly recommend this to anyone looking to improve their lifestyle and eat healthier, which in turn will give you more energy and feel amazing."
Tracey, 53, Zumba Teacher
The SMASH Way is the very best nutrition and women's health advice going.
For me it is about 'regime change' and making those changes for life.... and so if you are ready to make change, the SMASH Way is one of the very best programmes to engage with.
Your body will thank you - you will thank yourself and my guess is not look back!
Sandra roots the learning in her own personal experience as a woman, wife and mother, learning she has developed from there and which she shares in a very real, practical and passionate way. The work Sandra has put into SMASH, the recipes underpinned by nutritional knowledge is incredible.
It is so very hard to access this kind of sound nutritional advice and information and I'm for one very glad Sandra has made the decision to share her learning and knowledge with others.
Effort is required, real change desired and the gains: pounds off and a healthy informed way to eat - for life!!
Many thanks for creating the programme Sandra!
Catherine, 51, Project Manager
Anna Marie, 55 Civil Servant
"This programme has been really brilliant. I have learned so much about nutrition.
Sandra has a wealth of knowledge in this area and is always there if you need any help.
The recipes are fantastic and easy to follow and all really tasty. My favourite by far is the granola.
My health has definitely improved and weight is down and I hope to continue into the new year.
I used the products and found they were fantastic. Would definitely recommend to anyone who is thinking of starting just do it. It’s been fantastic!"
Paula, 41, Civil Servant
"What Sandra Miskimmin doesn’t know about nutrition, is not worth knowing. She is an encyclopaedia of information on all things good for you. The SMASH It 8 Week Course is definitely not a diet, it is a whole well-being package. I had no idea how some foods were affecting my body, my weight and my emotions. I suffered dreadfully with insomnia, “surviving” on about 3 hours of broken sleep a night. Not anymore!! I now get a really great night’s sleep every night.
Sandra mentioned body analysis scales, so I bought one. It is fascinating seeing the stats change – not just your weight but BMI, body fat, water intake, etc. A great buy!!
Sandra’s recipes are so easy to follow and taste amazing. Who knew there were so many different ways to have porridge? I would never eat porridge before, now I have it every morning. I might be an addict!!!
I have lost nearly a stone and feel amazing. This experience has spurred me on to do some proper exercise and I have started doing Couch 2 5k on my treadmill. I’m looking forward to SMASHing that too.
If you want to lose weight, gain energy and increase your knowledge on nutrition – do it The SMASH Way. You will get the best advice on how to be the best version of you. Sandra is always there to help you along and the support from the other members is terrific. You won’t regret it. I certainly don’t.
Sandra has changed my life. And I will continue on changing it more."
Mags, 54, Clerical Officer
If you would like to feel as good as these ladies do, why not start your journey today - start living The SMASH Way now