
I can tell you all about the ingredients in the SMASH products but it is when you use them and experience how fantastic they are, that's when you know how amazing they really are.

Testimonials are the best way to let you see how amazing these products are and how you could feel too.  I don't focus too much on before and after photos as I feel that health is of much more importance than just looking good visually.

Below are a few testimonials from some of my clients that have used the SMASH Products & Programmes.

* Testimonials Disclaimer

Testimonials found on this site have been sent to us by our customers and are not intended to guarantee that everyone will achieve the same or similar results. The views expressed are the opinion of our customers.

SMASH Worldwide does not endorse these views, nor should they be regarded as health claims, medical advice or guarantee of results. 


Katie's Story

"I can't thank Sandra enough for her help over the last few months. I took the 1:1 option and I am so glad that I did. Her expertise and guidance has been invaluable.

I learnt about myself and the options that I make. Along with the homeopathic drops, vitamins etc, the programme helped me to lose a stone in 8 weeks. I have a lot more energy and generally feel a lot healthier.  I've still a way to go, but I am confident that I will get where I want to be xx"


Gill's Story

"I joined the SMASH programme after catching up with an old friend who had signed up and completed an 8 week coaching cycle.  I was stunned at how well she looked; she was glowing, radiant and described how much weight she had lost and how her symptoms of migraine had reduced.  I immediately consulted with Sandra to find out more, as for me, it wasn't a case of wanting to lose weight, but instead to clear the 'fog', to get some energy back, get a handle on my health and start eating better.  

I couldn't wait to get started and signed up for the coaching programme.  I can honestly say that I have never felt better!  I find the programme really straightforward, quick and easy to follow and the whole family is benefitting. 

My husband is pushing 50 and my two daughters are both competitive swimmers so I needed to improve the eating plans for the whole family.  Sandra's coaching sessions are fantastic.  She holds me to account with patience and kindness and explains things in detail, answers any questions and keeps me on track if I have any issues. Everything is tailored to my needs and those of my family.  The girls also love the recipes and they are easily adapted to make sure that they are eating enough carbs to sustain their training levels.

I recently 'fell off the wagon' - a blip caused by an emotional response to a tricky family issue.  Two days later, I was in bed with a migraine.  That was when the penny truly dropped, I had not experienced any negative ill health symptoms during the programme up until that point, only positive reactions: increased energy, clarity of thinking and a desire to get up and get on with life!

As a hypothyroidism sufferer (and also, I believe, I'm approaching menopause), I had actually felt that I finally had control of my condition and the crushing symptoms that have been wearing me out and leaving me feeling so exhausted.  The migraine just reinforced that everything Sandra shares and teaches you, both online and in the coaching calls, is absolutely the truth: we are what we eat.  

I would urge anyone who wishes to take back control of their life to get on board.  Sandra is patient, understanding and motivational.  I am delighted to be a part of SMASH and look forward to approaching my 50s with enthusiasm and vitality.  Thank you Sandra, with all my heart."


Jaine's Story

“After using the simple programme a few years back I knew losing the weight was possible but a combination of bad work situations and job changes sent me slowly back on the slippery sugar slope! So this time I called Sandra for help! Let’s face it…I am an addict…to sugar! I don’t drink heavily or smoke or do drugs, but I do do sugar!! I will always have the ability to become addicted to it again and to go back on a poor diet so I needed to know I could lose the weight and still enjoy my life but in control!

I was never going to be in my 50s a size 8 pushing a lettuce leaf around a plate and denying myself food and drinks I love but I wanted to be healthier than what I was at the start of the year! Sandra has coached me through my 8 week journey. It was very emotional to start and I would have fallen off the wagon at 14 days if I’d not been speaking to Sandra on a weekly basis. She put me back on track each week with little nuggets of knowledge that will stick in my mind forever.  I will continue to use these nuggets of knowledge to keep my choices 90% good going forward. I have achieved 21 lbs off in 8 weeks and this time I feel that I am better equipped to make this a permanent weight loss.

I now have the knowledge that gives me control of my eating and can recognise my weak points. Prior to doing the SMASH programme I would cycle to work via the garage, where I’d pick up a sandwich and pack of cookies for the day! That was what I used to live on. Now, I eat more food and I’m staying at a better weight. I have more energy and less hormonal emotions! I have allowed myself to eat sugars or carbs at times and can see the negative effects  that it has on my body. But most importantly I still enjoy my treats in small doses, I eat out and I still feel in control. I am now naturally wanting to eat the healthier choices and I can enjoy a drink with friends without going overboard.

I have found that you can have it all… I just needed the knowledge to control what for me is an addiction and give my body what it needs so I’m not craving all the carbs and sugar! Thank you Sandra …worth the investment in time and money!! After all it’s an investment in my health and happiness!! ” Jaine, 50  


J.H Story 

I started this SMASH programme to see if I could get to the bottom of my irritable stomach/gut, the constant feeling of discomfort after every meal was horrible. I wanted to try this programme as a lifestyle change to see if I would see any improvements.

The results have been amazing! I no longer have discomfort, I’m in control of the food I eat. I love the food that I eat and I have lots more energy too! An added bonus is that have had weight, inch and body fat loss as part of the programme. I would definitely recommended the SMASH programme xx

Update - I have continued to lose weight after completing my initial 8 week course. This is down to finally learning what is right for my body and how to fuel it properly. I am now choosing to eat healthily rather than eat junk food. I finally feel in control and know that I can maintain this for the rest of my life." J.H



Sharon's Story

"So I did this SMASH programme in February 2018, initially I had wanted to get back on the original system that Sandra used, as I had previously taken them & had brilliant results, but after advice from Sandra I decided to try SMASH.

She knew what my weaknesses were and wanted to help me long term rather than for just 28 days. Oh and it saved me money too ;-)

I absolutely love exercise & it's a big part of my daily routine. But for the amount of exercise I do, I wasn't seeing any changes to my body. I soon realised after coming to the SMASH classes & food advice, I wasn't eating enough of the right foods. It was hard to get into my head that I actually needed to eat more to lose weight/inches and feel better.

Sandra has been absolutely amazing, her knowledge & her understanding of ones needs are incredible. Thanks u so much I really appreciate it all.

Delighted with my results. The definition in my body is amazing." Sharon


Kath's Story

I have tried every diet, slimming club and weight loss fad possible...SMASH has been so different in that this is now a change in my life style focusing on a long term change and not a quick fix.

My weight loss has been phenomenal in that I have never eaten so much good food. The recipes are really quick and easy which is very important but even better taste fantastic! The family are also enjoying the healthy eating.

Sandra has been incredibly supportive, she is full of wonderful advice and knowledge. If she doesn’t know something, you’ll be sure that she will find the answer!

Prior to starting SMASH I was addicted to Diet Coke (6-8 cans a day) and could not eat enough chocolate. The changes were a challenge at the start but with Sandra’s support I have never felt as well. I can feel and see the difference by no longer using Diet Coke and chocolate to try and curb the hunger. Healthy and clean eating is the way forward.

SMASH has made such a positive impact on my life and I feel more confident in knowing that this is a long term lifestyle change and my overall health has improved as a result of this.

I highly recommend SMASH as it has been such a positive lifestyle change." Kath


Gareth's Story

Being honest, the first day I had my consultation I was very dubious of the plan. I was worried about not having any carbs or not drinking any Diet Coke. I have tried all the diets going, but only lasted a few months and never got near by goal weight.

I was recovering from surgeries on my knee and wrist, my asthma was always bad and I suffered horrifically with IBS.

Being able to have a one to one with Sandra every week, and going through everything that I do on a weekly basis doesn't only wake me up towards what's better for my body but it also helps me mentally too.

All my ailments are disappearing. I very rarely take my inhaler, my stomach condition is totally under control and my knee and wrist are recovering so much better.  I can now go for walks without getting instantly out of breath, can swim and get to the gym. My confidence rises every day!

Not only great products, but an awesome friend helping me through my journey!"


Helen's Story

I have a 4 and a half month old son and decided that I needed to lose some of my baby weight. So I started a diet and did really well in week 1. Week 2, I only lost 3/4 pound and week 3, I lost nothing. I was extremely disheartened as I felt that I was doing all of the right things but it was having no effect on my body!

This is where Sandra came in. I filled in the questionnaires and Sandra send me the link for her app. As I was told to, I completed my food diary on the app for 3 days. I absolutely loved the app and found it very interesting looking at exactly how many calories I was consuming. The app is really easy to use and is fascinating once you get going. I loved the fact you could also scan items as well, this was really useful. After using the app for 3 days, Sandra then analysed my results and sent them over to me.

Again, I found all of this information so useful and could then see where I was going wrong and what I needed to tweak in my diet. Sandra sent over some useful recommendations. Since doing this, I have continued to lose weight in order to reach my final goal. I am now trying out some new, exciting recipes too! Thank you, Sandra. 

There are so many more but these are just a couple to get started.


SMASH - Sandra Miskimmin's Alternative Solutions for Heal